Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Accountability Process Sanctions

Students who are found responsible for violations of policies and/or standards of the University are subject to a variety of sanctions depending on circumstances of the violation. As with the overall Student Accountability Process, sanctions are meant to be educational. Punitive or monetary sanctions are given in some circumstances to cover costs incurred from a violation (e.g. the cost for repairing or replacing damaged University property). The hearing boards and administrative hearing officers determine applicable sanctions for findings of responsibility in policy and/or standards violations.

The Vice President of Student Development reserve the right to immediately remove any student from his/ her on campus living space whose conduct indicates that his/her continued presence may be disruptive to the on campus living community.

Sanction Definitions
Failed Assignment Zero Credit for the assignment
Failed Course Failing Grade for the Course
Redo the Assignment Must redo the assignment as outlined by the faculty member by a specified date.
Community Service You must complete_____ hours of community service. To arrange this service, please contact_____. You must complete your hours and return your signed service form to this office no later than.
Counseling Assessment You are required to make an appointment to see Counseling Services by DATE. After an evaluation, an appropriate treatment recommendation may be made. The outcome of this referral is confidential, but you must provide proof of attendance.
Fine You must pay a_____ fine to the Office of Student Development by____. If you fail to pay the fine by the due date, it will be automatically placed on your student account.
Loss of Privileges You have lost all University privileges until ______.
No Contact There is a mutual “no contact” order between you and _________. You are directed to avoid contact with each other until such time as this order is lifted in writing. This mutual “no contact” order does not imply any judgment regarding the factual nature of the incident. Both you and ____ refrain from approaching one another, calling one another at any time, contacting one another via any electronic communication method, or contacting or communicating with one another through a third party. Should you need to contact you must do so through Director of Security or Vice President of Student Development.
Parking Loss There is a mutual “no contact” order between you and _______ . You are directed to avoid contact with each other until such time as this order is lifted in writing. This mutual “no contact” order does not imply any judgment regarding the factual nature of the incident. Both you and ______ are to refrain from approaching one another, calling one another at any time, contacting one another via any electronic communication method, or contacting or communicating with one another through a third party. Should you need to contact you must do so through Director of Security or Vice President of Student Development.
Student Accountability Process Warning A student found responsible of a more serious violation of policies and/ or University standards may be placed on Student Accountability Process Probation. The length of probation may range from three months to one calendar year. During probation the student, while remaining regularly enrolled, must prove qualified to return to good standing. The student’s return to good standing is normally automatic provided there have been no further violations of Student Accountability Process. If the student is found responsible for other Student Accountability Process violation/s while on Student Accountability Process Probation, further action may be taken, including but not limited to removal from University housing, Student Accountability Process Deferred Suspension, Suspension or Dismissal. Should violation/s occur following the completion of Student Accountability Process Probation, the student’s prior status on Student Accountability Process Probation will be considered.
Student Accountability Process Probation A student found responsible of a more serious violation of policies and/ or University standards may be placed on Student Accountability Process Probation. The length of probation may range from three months to one calendar year. During probation the student, while remaining regularly enrolled, must prove qualified to return to good standing. The student’s return to good standing is normally automatic provided there have been no further violations of Student Accountability Process. If the student is found responsible for other Student Accountability Process violation/s while on Student Accountability Process Probation, further action may be taken, including but not limited to removal from University housing, Student Accountability Process Deferred Suspension, Suspension or Dismissal.

Should violation/s occur following the completion of Student Accountability Process Probation, the student’s prior status on Student Accountability Process Probation will be considered.
Deferred Suspension A student found responsible of a more severe Student Accountability Process violation he/she may be placed on Deferred Suspension. The length of Deferred Suspension may range from the remainder of the current semester to one calendar year. During Deferred Suspension, the student, while remaining regularly enrolled, must return to good standing. Academic advisors will be notified when a student has been placed on Deferred Suspension. At the end of the deferred suspension period, the University may choose to hold a University Accountability Board hearing to review the student’s case. Based on information presented at this hearing, the board may choose to continue Deferred Suspension, place the student on Student Accountability Process Probation with additional educational sanctions or place the student on Suspension.
No refund on tuition, housing, or meal plans will be given.
Suspension is a separation from the University for a student found responsible of a severe and/or multiple Student Accountability Process violation/s and/or repeated violations. When a student is suspended from the University, the student will leave the University with a specified date and/or condition for re-admittance. The minimum period of suspension is the remainder of the current academic year. The student, on their readmittance, must meet with the Vice President of Student Development to determine his/her standing with the University. Students returning after a suspension may be placed on a deferred suspension or a probationary status. A second suspension of the student is considered grounds for dismissal from the University.
Conditions of suspension include:
  1. Unless otherwise instructed, the student must move off campus within 24 hours from the time of the hearing.
  2. The student will immediately be removed from all classes.
  3. The student may not return to campus until the suspension has concluded.
  4. A copy of the letter of suspension is placed in the student’s file and remains a part of his/her permanent file in the Office of Student Development.
Temporary Suspension: Cases in which it is deemed necessary by the Vice President of Student Development, in consultation with the President, a student who poses a threat to person, property or academic environment, or when a student’s physical or mental condition requires services beyond the normal and reasonable scope of University capability, the Vice President of Student Development may impose immediate temporary suspension pending
a hearing or appropriate resolution of the student’s condition based on facts presented to the Vice President and at their discretion. The terms of the temporary suspension will be stated in writing and may involve either complete or partial suspension. At the end of the temporary suspension period, the University may choose to hold a University Accountability Board hearing to review the student’s case.
Expulsion from the University In cases of severe and/or multiple violation/s of Student Accountability Process, expulsion from the University is necessary. No specified date or condition of re-admittance is given. No refund is given. All documentation of the expulsion will be part of the student’s record.
Removal from On-Campus Housing A student who is found responsible of a serious Student Accountability Process violation and/or repeated violations may be required to move to another residence hall or be removed from campus housing. A student who is required to change rooms will be assigned to a new location and given a date by which the move must be completed. Only the Vice President of Student Development in collaboration with Residence Life professional staff can remove a student from university housing. 

**These are not all sanctions available or possible for students that violate University policies or Student Accountability Policies.