Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Residence Life Procedures

On-Campus Living Area Room Entry

Quincy University reserves the right to gain entry to a student’s room and living space for regularly scheduled health and safety inspections, to complete a facilities work order, in the event of a human or facility emergency, if concern exists for a student’s wellbeing, or in the event of an alleged violation of any policy and/or Accountability Standard where access to the living space must be gained immediately. Any illegal items in plain view may be confiscated at the time of entry.

Students will be held responsible for any item/s confiscated that is in violation of policy.

On-Campus Housing Search

Quincy University reserves the right to search any on-campus residential space if reasonable cause exists to believe a violation of any policy or Accountability Standard has occurred or is occurring. The following procedures will be followed in an on-campus housing search:

  1. A search may be conducted without any or all residents present.
  2. Reasonable cause is defined as a fact or circumstance existing where it is more likely than not an event or activity is occurring or has occurred or that specific items are present in the space to be searched, or there is a reasonable concern for student or community safety.
  3. A search of a student’s room may be made by authorized staff as directed by the Vice President of Student Development. In absence of the Vice President of Student Development searches can only be authorized through joint collaboration with the Director of Campus Programming & Residence Life, and the Director of Safety & Security, or their designees. The search must be made with at least two University staff members present. At least one of the University staff members conducting the search must be the Vice President of Student Development, Director of Campus Programming & Residence Life & Student Programs, or Director of Safety and Security, or a designee.
    The other staff member may be a University Security Officer, Graduate Assistant, or Resident Assistant.
  4. An incident report will be completed for every search of any on-campus living area.
  5. In the event a search is conducted, and prohibited items are confiscated, an itemized list of all items will be included in the incident report. Photographs of any confiscated items will be attached to the incident report.
  6. If the search and subsequent confiscation of items should result in a policy or Student Handbook violation, the student/s will be held accountable through the Student Accountability Process.

Community Living Agreement/Residence Hall Council

To encourage students who live in the residence halls to take ownership and responsibility for their living community, the Office of Student Development has incorporated community living agreements as a part of the foundation for residence hall policies. A community living agreement is a document that community members draw up together at the beginning of each year that enables them to become actively involved in developing the behavioral standards in which they will invest and be held accountable.

Students, within the first few days of their arrival, will sit down with the members of their community and develop a set of value-based criteria that each person on the wing or floor will agree to live by. Additionally, the agreement will be revisited at the beginning of each semester to allow for adjustments and changes. As each member of the community will sign the agreement, each member will be held accountable for the contents of the document that they had a part in developing.

The agreements include, but not are limited to, expectations of academic honesty, the creation of gracious space for students to express their feelings, opinions, and ideas, abiding by University and State policies surrounding alcohol and drug use, safety, personal property, respect and trust.

On-Campus Living Area Room Entry

Quincy University reserves the right to gain entry to a student’s room and living space for regularly scheduled health and safety inspections, to complete a facilities work order, in the event of a human or facility emergency, if concern exists for a student’s wellbeing, or in the event of an alleged violation of any policy and/or Accountability Standard where access to the living space must be gained immediately. Any illegal items in plain view may be confiscated at the time of entry. Students will be held responsible for any item/s confiscated that is in violation of policy.

Life in Your Residence Hall

In your new home you will find:

Residence Hall Directors (RDs):

  • Responsible for managing your residence hall.
  • Supervise the RA and desk staff in the hall.
  • Work with the RA staff to develop programs.
  • Prior experience as an RA.
  • Assist residence hall coordinator with hall administration.

Resident Assistants (RAs):

  • Are students just like you;
  • Answer your questions;
  • Help you with your academic, social or personal concerns;
  • Plan programs and enhance policies and procedures;
  • Help develop Community Living Agreements;
  • Are a valuable resource. Get to know your RA!

Custodial Staff:

  • Work diligently to clean your lobbies, bathrooms, and other public areas of the hall!
  • Will clean your hallway, but not your room!
  • They are NOT responsible for personal trash in the hallway or your room.

Maintenance Personnel:

  • Respond to your maintenance needs.

All of these specially trained staff are here for you and are to be treated with respect at all times.