Archived 2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Criminal Justice, BS
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Program Requirements for Criminal Justice Major:
- Completion of the Bonaventure Program and requirements for undergraduate degrees.
- The technological literacy requirement will be fulfilled by CIS 101 - Introduction to Information Technology . An alternative computer course may be used with the permission of the Criminal Justice Department if an alternative course meets the student’s needs.
- 36 hours of coursework in Criminal Justice at the 200-400 level.
- The comprehensive experience calls for the completion of 6 credit hours of practicum experience and a written report based upon the practicum experience.
- Students need a Cumulative Major GPA of 2.0 and no more than 2 major courses below a C to receive a degree. Major courses are all courses listed in section G of the degree checklist.
- Students who double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice must complete the Psychology Research Methods sequence, therefore the Criminal Justice support courses of MAT 150 or SOC 230 , and SOC 330 are waived. Students must complete two of the three required practica (two Criminal Justice and one Psychology) and must substitute a 300-400 level Criminal Justice or Psychology elective in the area of the practicum not taken.
Required Support Courses:
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